二○年代的香港贪污盛行,苦力李长旺(万梓良饰)为了改善一家生活,不惜举债买得消防员一职。热心的长旺因出手相助黄水(林嘉华饰)、黄山(林文龙饰)兄弟,得罪上司陈波(戴志卫饰),陈波友人周金荣(罗乐林饰)设计将长旺卖往南洋,长旺妻子袁秀兰(米雪饰)奔走营救,无奈势单力薄,最後只得携子寻夫。 长旺卖到印尼锡矿场为奴,不断脱逃,最後一次逃走时结识老板之女若楠(罗霖饰)。长旺觉悟逃脱困难,决安心等待期满。另方面若楠见猪仔困苦,说服长旺筹办工运,结果遭荷兰兵镇压造成死伤,若楠带走家产偕众人离开印尼。若楠经此番甘苦与长旺互生好感,唯长旺念念不忘妻子家人,始终视若楠为红颜知己。两人与黄山兄弟返港投资获利,不断捐款,改善猪仔生活,而黄水因贪图富贵大表不满,最後与两人反目成仇。 当年秀兰寻夫流落异乡又染重病,幸得富商雷星辉(王伟饰)照顾,更为恩情与孩子们著想而改嫁。在港与长旺重遇时愧疚不敢相认,仅暗中助其逃过黄水追杀,但水紧追不舍,不但迫害黄山与其妻小燕(郭可盈饰),更将长旺逼进绝境。若楠舍命相救,长旺痛心不已向若楠求婚,遭婉拒。楠逝世,至死也无缘与所爱的人结合。 长旺对秀兰与孩子们仍苦苦相求,秀兰面对恩与爱的两难,不知如何是好?雷星辉可愿将心爱女子拱手而还?此外,恶人黄水终逃不过上天制裁,死在黄山枪下。黄山判刑二十五年,小燕一往情深,默默守候.....。
Mainland variety show Horror films Action movie 汪明荃 list 李欣颐 黄元申 anime All videos and pictures of Oral-Cinema are collected from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original owner, this website only provides web page services, does not provide resource storage, and does not participate in the recording and uploading If the programs included in this site unintentionally infringe your company's copyright, if you think that the information on this site page infringes your rights and interests, please attach a copyright certificate to inform by email, please send an email to
温兆伦 Oral-Cinema (olyy.org) - provides free online video viewing for overseas Chinese around the world, Oral-Cinema collects the latest movies, TV series, variety shows, and animations on the Internet every day, and the high-definition film source is all available on demand in Oral-Cinema. Japanese campus Europe
Overseas anime (We will delete the email within 48 hours after receiving it, thank you) Domestic anime campus 梁欽祺 麦天恩 蔡嘉利 Korean Oral-Cinema in common 陈荣峻 罗君左 郑家生 陈狄克 Movie 蔡国庆 action Popular Searches: 罗国维 梁葆贞 陈勉良 陈中坚 麦皓为 邓汝超 cartoon 郭卓桦 石雲 illation 邵卓尧 黄天铎 Chinese Traditional 王伟梁 谭一清 Video narration 張海勤 Overseas anime 王维德 梁健平 society 黃成想 Japan Paternity 蕭山仁
Mainland variety show Horror films Action movie 汪明荃 list 李欣颐 黄元申 anime All videos and pictures of Oral-Cinema are collected from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original owner, this website only provides web page services, does not provide resource storage, and does not participate in the recording and uploading If the programs included in this site unintentionally infringe your company's copyright, if you think that the information on this site page infringes your rights and interests, please attach a copyright certificate to inform by email, please send an email to
温兆伦 Oral-Cinema (olyy.org) - provides free online video viewing for overseas Chinese around the world, Oral-Cinema collects the latest movies, TV series, variety shows, and animations on the Internet every day, and the high-definition film source is all available on demand in Oral-Cinema. Japanese campus Europe
Overseas anime (We will delete the email within 48 hours after receiving it, thank you) Domestic anime campus 梁欽祺 麦天恩 蔡嘉利 Korean Oral-Cinema in common 陈荣峻 罗君左 郑家生 陈狄克 Movie 蔡国庆 action Popular Searches: 罗国维 梁葆贞 陈勉良 陈中坚 麦皓为 邓汝超 cartoon 郭卓桦 石雲 illation 邵卓尧 黄天铎 Chinese Traditional 王伟梁 谭一清 Video narration 張海勤 Overseas anime 王维德 梁健平 society 黃成想 Japan Paternity 蕭山仁
Mainland variety show Horror films Action movie 汪明荃 list 李欣颐 黄元申 anime All videos and pictures of Oral-Cinema are collected from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original owner, this website only provides web page services, does not provide resource storage, and does not participate in the recording and uploading If the programs included in this site unintentionally infringe your company's copyright, if you think that the information on this site page infringes your rights and interests, please attach a copyright certificate to inform by email, please send an email to
温兆伦 Oral-Cinema (olyy.org) - provides free online video viewing for overseas Chinese around the world, Oral-Cinema collects the latest movies, TV series, variety shows, and animations on the Internet every day, and the high-definition film source is all available on demand in Oral-Cinema. Japanese campus Europe
Overseas anime (We will delete the email within 48 hours after receiving it, thank you) Domestic anime campus 梁欽祺 麦天恩 蔡嘉利 Korean Oral-Cinema in common 陈荣峻 罗君左 郑家生 陈狄克 Movie 蔡国庆 action Popular Searches: 罗国维 梁葆贞 陈勉良 陈中坚 麦皓为 邓汝超 cartoon 郭卓桦 石雲 illation 邵卓尧 黄天铎 Chinese Traditional 王伟梁 谭一清 Video narration 張海勤 Overseas anime 王维德 梁健平 society 黃成想 Japan Paternity 蕭山仁