:「血濺塘西」集豪情、柔情、英雄及梟雄於一爐,劇情緊湊,蕩氣迴腸。故事講述連家榮(王傑)是一名有理想的有為青年,對當時的香港鴉片為患,警察貪污勾結的現象憤憤不平,奈何其父承勳卻以售鴉片為生,令家榮矛盾不堪。 承勳以激將法迫家榮為其打理生意,加上父母迫他娶一名素未謀面利金貴(張鳳妮),同時家榮結識何超(吳岱融),被其威猛形象所吸引,而一怒隨超投身警局,希望有番作為。不料家榮不久後因中槍入院,家人為替他沖喜,急娶金貴入門,待家榮昏醒後發現金貴已是自己的妻子,尷尬不已。 承勳娶彭紅(鄧萃雯)為妾,但彭紅不甘其辱,毅然逃出連家,將自己賣身給妓院綺翠樓,所得款項還予承勳,以換取自由。家榮對彭紅留下深刻印象,奈何他以為彭紅已被其父沾汙,未敢用情。 何超與彭紅相遇,驚為天人,,更買得彭紅的初夜,此時家榮知彭紅一直是清白之身,,但為時已晚,,致令三人關係微妙而複雜。 何超勾結黑幫,,操縱地下組織,後因利益關係暗殺承勳,家榮得知,與何超對立。 其後家榮被提昇為禁毒行動主管,而何超更明目張膽成為黑幫梟雄,兩人間的正邪之戰更趨白熱化……
Mainland variety show Horror films Action movie 汪明荃 list 李欣颐 黄元申 anime All videos and pictures of Oral-Cinema are collected from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original owner, this website only provides web page services, does not provide resource storage, and does not participate in the recording and uploading If the programs included in this site unintentionally infringe your company's copyright, if you think that the information on this site page infringes your rights and interests, please attach a copyright certificate to inform by email, please send an email to
温兆伦 Oral-Cinema (olyy.org) - provides free online video viewing for overseas Chinese around the world, Oral-Cinema collects the latest movies, TV series, variety shows, and animations on the Internet every day, and the high-definition film source is all available on demand in Oral-Cinema. Japanese campus Europe
Overseas anime (We will delete the email within 48 hours after receiving it, thank you) Domestic anime campus 梁欽祺 麦天恩 蔡嘉利 Korean Oral-Cinema in common 陈荣峻 罗君左 郑家生 陈狄克 Movie 蔡国庆 action Popular Searches: 罗国维 梁葆贞 陈勉良 陈中坚 麦皓为 邓汝超 cartoon 郭卓桦 石雲 illation 邵卓尧 黄天铎 Chinese Traditional 王伟梁 谭一清 Video narration 張海勤 Overseas anime 王维德 梁健平 society 黃成想 Japan Paternity 蕭山仁
Sauvignon Blanc documentary Funny Oral, Oral, Movies Online, Latest Movies, Free Movies, Watch Movies Online Science fiction society 王靜儀 legend ranking The westward journey of the Tang Dynasty Add time European and American dramas ranking empty Domestic Animation - Oral-Cinema Japanese and Korean anime 趙仕齊 梁潔芳 李鳳儀 陳佗杰 list 何鳳儀
Mainland variety show Horror films Action movie Movie list anime Romance films anime All videos and pictures of Oral-Cinema are collected from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original owner, this website only provides web page services, does not provide resource storage, and does not participate in the recording and uploading If the programs included in this site unintentionally infringe your company's copyright, if you think that the information on this site page infringes your rights and interests, please attach a copyright certificate to inform by email, please send an email to
misplacement Oral-Cinema (olyy.org) - provides free online video viewing for overseas Chinese around the world, Oral-Cinema collects the latest movies, TV series, variety shows, and animations on the Internet every day, and the high-definition film source is all available on demand in Oral-Cinema. Japanese campus Europe
Overseas anime (We will delete the email within 48 hours after receiving it, thank you) Domestic anime campus 梁欽祺 Chinese Simplified Blood Korean Oral-Cinema in common Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas Japanese Popularity Overseas dramas Movie venture action Popular Searches: TV series Seen Horror films Comedy The young white horse is drunk with the spring breeze Sporting events cartoon Domestic anime 石雲 illation Lori Welfare Movies Chinese Traditional Silent killing Japanese and Korean anime Video narration 張海勤 Overseas anime Catch the doll empty society 黃成想 Japan Paternity 蕭山仁
Mainland variety show Horror films Action movie 汪明荃 list 李欣颐 黄元申 anime All videos and pictures of Oral-Cinema are collected from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original owner, this website only provides web page services, does not provide resource storage, and does not participate in the recording and uploading If the programs included in this site unintentionally infringe your company's copyright, if you think that the information on this site page infringes your rights and interests, please attach a copyright certificate to inform by email, please send an email to
温兆伦 Oral-Cinema (olyy.org) - provides free online video viewing for overseas Chinese around the world, Oral-Cinema collects the latest movies, TV series, variety shows, and animations on the Internet every day, and the high-definition film source is all available on demand in Oral-Cinema. Japanese campus Europe
Overseas anime (We will delete the email within 48 hours after receiving it, thank you) Domestic anime campus 梁欽祺 麦天恩 蔡嘉利 Korean Oral-Cinema in common 陈荣峻 罗君左 郑家生 陈狄克 Movie 蔡国庆 action Popular Searches: 罗国维 梁葆贞 陈勉良 陈中坚 麦皓为 邓汝超 cartoon 郭卓桦 石雲 illation 邵卓尧 黄天铎 Chinese Traditional 王伟梁 谭一清 Video narration 張海勤 Overseas anime 王维德 梁健平 society 黃成想 Japan Paternity 蕭山仁
Oral-Cinema (olyy.org) - provides free online video viewing for overseas Chinese around the world, Oral-Cinema collects the latest movies, TV series, variety shows, and animations on the Internet every day, and the high-definition film source is all available on demand in Oral-Cinema.